Odoo Introduction
Odoo 10 OpenERP is an ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning) for Small and Medium Enterprises OpenERP is rebranded as Odoo last year with latest version 10.0(Latest) The software is released under General Public License (GNU) Odoo is very Modular with more than 500+ well integrated modules availability with customizable reports Odoo is a web framework which is written in Python language Odoo uses PostgreSQL relational database (ORDBMS) as backend Odoo business objects are modeled with an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) to persist their data in a relational database (PostgreSQL) Odoo uses XML-RPC and/or NET-RPC depending on the server's configuration as Web Services Odoo is a multi tenant and three-tier architecture INSTALL ODOO 10 ON UBUNTU 16.04 LTS Odoo 10 Download from GitHub https://github.com/odoo/odoo/archive/10.0.zi.p GitHub Clone git clone --depth=1 --branch=10.0 https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git Installation Step ...